
Destination Athlete has FUNDRAISING SOLUTIONS for your team, school or league. Our fundraising team can design a custom program to meet your requirements or you can choose from one of our winning fundraising combinations.
Fundraising Fundamentals
-Determine the Needs of Your Organization, School or Athlete It may be funds for travel, equipment for fields, or spirit wear to motivate the fans, but it’s important to know what your needs are before getting started.
Write up a Project Plan
-By putting your plans in writing, your goals become more achievable. Set SMART goals. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely)
Create a Committee to discuss Goals, Timing and Execution
-Although some programs require little involvement, it is important to recruit volunteers to help execute the plan, no matter how big or small their roles and responsibilities may be. It may be as little as spreading the word via emails or flyer or as big as selling or soliciting to get to your goal, but you can not do it alone!
-Showcase your fundraising efforts on our State of the Art website. It is easy and convenient and sponsors are able to access your page 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Major credit cards accepted, and most sponsors are more willing to participate if they have the flexibility of charging.
Keep motivated and in Constant Communication.
-Keep parents, teachers, coaches, athletes upbeat and in tune with goals, progress, and deadlines. It is crucial not to lose interest once the program is up and running. Send reminders out and communicate level of funds that have been raised.
-Once the fundraising project has been completed, it is important to let supporters know of the efforts and success of the program. Communicate the achievements and recognize those who made the program possible.