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Gilmore Girls is an American comedy-drama television series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino. Sherman-Palladino, her husband Daniel Palladino, David S. Rosenthal, and Gavin Polone served as the executive producers. The series debuted on October 5, 2000, on The WB and remained a tent-pole to the network until its move to The CW on September 26, 2006. The series originally ran for seven seasons and ended its run on May 15, 2007.
The show follows single mother Lorelai Gilmore and her daughter Rory, living in the fictional town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut. The town is filled with colorful characters and is located approximately 30 minutes from Hartford, Connecticut. The series explores issues of family, friendship and romance, as well as generational divides and social class. Ambition, education, work, love, family, and questions of class constitute some of the series' central concerns. The show's social commentary manifests most clearly in Lorelai's difficult relationship with her wealthy, appearance-obsessed parents, Emily and Richard Gilmore, and in Rory's interactions with the students at the Chilton Academy, and later, Yale University.