Due to the current situation involving COVID-19 all upcoming events have been cancelled. Look for text messages in the near future for updates!
Events throughout the year
Tree of Life Youth Group is made up of those in 6th grade and over. The group traditionally meets the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of every month. Meetings officially begin at 6:00 p.m. in either the youth room or the Fellowship Hall.
The youth room is located across the street from the church and is in the basement below the branch office.
Feel free to join us from 5:30-6:00 for hang time and delecious food!
Every December TLCYG retreats to the Hartman Center located in Milroy PA. Lasting from Friday night through Sunday afternoon, this is a chance for the group to dive deeper in community and faith.
Costs typically range from $100-$130 depending on the size of the group. Scholarships are available through Tree of Life if necessary. Contact Ed Hartman if you require scholarship funds.
This is truly one of the highlights of the youth year and the best gift you can give yourself during the holiday season!
In June TLCYG travels to Camp Nawakwa to engage in a weeklong program to help develop faith, community, and leadership. Youth members participate in track programs with those in their age groups.
Tracks consist of:
Pathfinders-Our newest track for youth who have completed 7th grade. This track focuses on the Apostle’s Creed.
Saints-Our stepping stone for celebrating baptism…For youth who have completed 8th grade.
GGP-God’s Gifted People, for those who have completed 9th grade, explores the spiritual gifts that each individual possesses.
MBC-Maturing in the Body of Christ is our track for those who have completed 10th grade.
LT-This track, for those who have completed 11th grade, is focused on creating and empowering leaders and artistic leaders within the church.
Counselor-For those who have completed the LT track. This is an opportunity to grow as a leader and serve the camp as a counselor.
Deacon-For those who have completed the LT track. Deacons serve to help set up events around campus throughout the week.
Images-For those who have completed the LT track. Images members serve to capture moments throughout the daily life of campers and create the daily Images projects.
For more information on costs, registration, and updates please visit the official website of Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp.
Scholarships are available through Tree of Life if necessary. Contact Ed Hartman if you require scholarship funds.
Every August TLCYG travels to Ocean City Maryland to the Safari Motel located oceanfront on 13th street. A longweekend away, the group enjoys time together in community and in faith.
Cost of housing and transportation typically ranges from $100-$150 depending on the size of the group. However, youth should bring spending money for food and activites throughout the weekend.
Every spring the senior high members of TLCYG travel to an unknown location. Traveling for a weekend to various locations this is one you won't forget!
Past trips have included locations such as Niagra Falls, New York, The Poconos, and Washington D.C.
Parents can contact Ed Hartman for more information on the details of the trip.
TLCYG's all female group. The group is run by assistant youth director Stephanie Strauss.
During meetings youth will engage in a variety of activites including crafts, community service, and faith conversation!
Meeting dates are often decided by members, for more information contact Stephanie Strauss
TLCYG's group made up of only senior high members. Meetings typically occur a few times a year and are hosted by our senior high members and their families.
These meetings traditionally consist of dinner and a movie with faith based conversation occuring afterwards.
If you would be interested in hosting one of these meetings and your child is in senior high please contact Ed Hartman
Every 3 years the ELCA hosts a gathering consisting of more than 30,000 youth from all across the country. Youth participate in various community building and service activities throughout the trip.
The 2021 National Youth Gathering will take place in Minneapolis Minnesota from June 29th-July 3rd. For more information please visit The official site of the National Youth Gathering.
The cost of the event varies each trip based on the size of the group, the location of the gathering, and the ammount of fundraising the group does in advance.