Going Vegan

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The meat industry is largely repsonsible for carbon emissions in the atmosphere every year. 50% of the Amazon Rainforest has been cut down to make room livestock farms, which pollute the environment. Eliminating animal products from your diet is a proactive step in helping the environment.

  • Cows in Factory Farm
  • End Factory Farming
  • Chickens in Factory Farm
Cows in Factory Farm1 End Factory Farming2 Chickens in Factory Farm3
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Cows produce methane, which is a major greenhouse gas. The mass population of cows in livestock farming is harmful to the environment for this reason. They are abused, beaten, and slaughtered inhumanely for human consumption. By eliminating red meat from your diet, you'd be helping the planet as well as protecting the cows.

Pigs are extremely intelligent sentient beings, but are abused in factory farms. They are forced to live in small enclosed cages where they cannot move or turn around, and they lack any sort of sewage management. This produces runoff pollution that leaks into nearby rivers which is an environmental threat.

Hundreds of thousands of chickens are forced to live together in crowded spaced where they cannot run around or stretch their wings. They have been bred to grow too large in a short amount of time, causing their legs to break beneath them. Factory farmers do not clean our their living space, so diseases and infections spread quickly.