Natural Hair Movement

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Long Grow-out Phase

Naturally Curly

The Long Grow-Out

Grow out your relaxer, embrace your curls!

The Long Grow-Out

You're ready to embrace your natural curl but do not want to immediately get rid of your relaxed hair? The long grow-out process is the solution for you!

Here are three things you need to know while on this long journey:

1) Train your hair to curl! Relaxed hair isn't easy to curl, to do so try different curl styles such as Bantu Knots, two-strand twist, and flexi rods.

2) Detangle the right way! Going through the long grow-out process means you have two different hair textures (new growth and relaxed). To make the detangling process easy first section your hair, detangle with your fingers, then use a wide-tooth comb--combing from ends to roots.

3) Co-wash! Co-washing prevents extreme dryness to your scalp and hair. Use a conditioner regularly just as you would with a shampoo. This will cleanse and moisturize your hair as well as prevent product buildup.