The Usual Suspects
Sam Winchester

Jared Padalecki
Dragged back into the hunting life after four years by his brother Dean following the death of his girlfriend Jessica, Sam Winchester is an excellent hunter and very knowledgeable about the supernatural. He is often the heart of the two brothers, and cares deeply about others, going to great lengths to ensure their safety from the supernatural entities the Winchesters hunt. Sam aspires to be just like his brother - selfless and brave.
Dean Winchester

Jensen Ackles
The wise-cracking Dean Winchester is as proficient a hunter as he is handsome. Playing the role of the obedient son, Dean is fiercely protective of his little brother Sam and will do anything for him, even if it means dying. Dean often uses a cocky attitude to hide his fear and emotions, but he follows in his father's footsteps regardless, carrying on the family business of saving people and hunting things.

Misha Collins
Castiel's entrance on the show introduced angels into Supernatural's lore, expanding the realm of possibilities even further. Cas can be socially awkward at times, but make no mistake. He's a warrior, a master tactician and leader in his heavenly garrison. Though he has fallen again and again, both in the literal and metaphorical senses, Castiel always rises back up and continues to fight with and for the Winchesters.
Jack Kline

Alexander Calvert
The son of Lucifer - yes, the Lucifer - and a human woman, Jack Kline is the newest addition to the Winchester bunch. He is a nephilim: half human, half archangel, and powerful enough to rival God himself. When Jack was born, he used his powers to make himself a young adult rather than a helpless child, and spends much of his time trying to understand the world around him.
Chuck Shurley

Rob Benedict
When he was first introduced in season 4, Chuck Shurley seemed to be a regular guy, minus his status as a prophet of God. He helped the Winchester brothers and Castiel as an ally during the Apocalypse before disappearing for a few years. He came back when his sister Amara, the Darkness, was released, and again when Jack seemed to be out of control. But he revealed his true nature when Sam and Dean refused to follow his story, promising the end of our world as we know it.

1967 Chevy Impala
While not a person, the Winchesters' 1967 Chevrolet Impala, affectionately nicknamed Baby, is one of the most important characters on the whole show. Baby has been featured in every episode since the beginning, and has followed the boys on all of their adventures. After the fire that killed their mother, Sam and Dean spent much of their childhood in Baby's seats driving from one state to the next. They may not have had a roof and four walls, but because of Baby, they were never homeless.