The Giving Back Tour
Random Acts
Co-founded by Supernatural actor Misha Collins, Random Acts is a non-profit organization dedicated to conquering the world one random act of kindness at a time. Random Acts promotes charitable acts across the globe through fun events like Endure 4 Kindness, the Annual Melee of Kindness, and GISH, formerly known as G.I.S.H.W.H.E.S - the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen. Through Collins' dedication and the help of the fans of Supernatural, Random Acts has been able to do some amazing acts of kindness around the world, including purchasing a school bus for the Free High School in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to build the Jacmel Children's Center in Jacmel, Haiti, and creating a Random Acts Support Page and Crisis Network for those who struggle with mental illness and need a bit of support.
Always Keep Fighting

In March of 2015, Supernatural star Jared Padalecki launched a t-shirt campaign with the title "Always Keep Fighting" to benefit a number of charities including To Write Love on Her Arms, which supports those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. In recent years, Padalecki has opened up about both his own struggles with mental illness and his passion about others' struggles, which was one of his reasons for starting the campaign. Since that first 2015 campaign, "Always Keep Fighting" and subsequent campaigns, with themes including "Love Yourself First," "I Am Enough," and "Family Always Has Your Back," has transformed from a t-shirt tagline into a source of courage and perseverance for thousands of Supernatural fans the world over, and continues to raise awareness about mental illness and inspire hope for those who share Padalecki's struggles.
The Wayward Movement

The Wayward movement began as a fan idea for a Supernatural spin-off staring Kim Rhodes' Jody Mills and Briana Buckmaster's Donna Hanscum that expanded to support promoting positive female representation both on Supernatural and in other media. In December 2015, Rhodes and Buckmaster ran a campaign selling "Wayward Daughters" t-shirts that supported co-star Misha Collins' Random Acts. The "Wayward Daughters" movement eventually took on the tagline #WaywardAF and other variations like #WaywardStrong and #WaywardFierce. The campaign also began to use all proceeds from their sales of the campaign to support New Leash on Life USA, a prison-dog training program. It was announced that during season 13 of Supernatural, the Wayward movement would be incorporated into a potential spin-off called Wayward Sisters, but the spin-off was not picked up by the network. Though fans of the spin-off idea were devastated, Rhodes and Buckmaster remain adamant that the Wayward movement is not contingent upon the spin-off and will continue as a force for good within the Supernatural family.
These are just a few of the many projects done and efforts made by the Supernatural cast to support charities close to their hearts. Visit the Supernatural Wiki Charity Projects webpage to learn more about this amazing cast's kindness.