What is civic capacity?
Civic Capacity works to support the work of the York Road Partnership through coordinating of events and advocacy between the two organizations.
- This includes working to engage peers and the Loyola community in York Road community events, initiatives, campaigns, etc. through:
- This role and work is integral to campus and community Civic Engagement. Through this work the development and promotion of a city-wide legislative campaign can occur. In the spring, planning and supporting with Ignite the Mission: Advocacy Night in Annapolis in which Loyola students and community leaders are able to speak to the needs of the community in the Greater Govans neighborhood. Education and support through presenting to and advising classes, campus clubs, and organizations about best ways and practices to engage in community based activities. Overall advocacy towards the needs of community and speading awareness and understanding of what opportunities there are to engage with York Road, both within and outside service.
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